Daily Directive: July 3

On a green background, the Two-Brain logo and the words "daily brief."

Daily Update

“Dietitians and nutritionists will be able to work without fear of being targeted by sting operations and threatened with jail time simply for the supposed crime of giving out tips about healthy eating. The new law will allow ‘any person who provides information, wellness recommendations, or advice concerning nutrition’ to do so without a license as long as they do not provide those services to individuals under the direct care of a physician for medical reasons, or advertise themselves as medical professionals.”

Read: “Florida Just Passed the Most Sweeping Occupational Licensing Reform in History.”

Lululemon buys Mirror to deliver at-home workouts: Vancouverisawesome.com

Daily Lesson

Read: “Why I Dropped Macros for ‘Happy-Face’ Nutrition Coaching” by Jen Broxterman, RD, founder of NutritionRx and mentor at Two-Brain Coaching.

Read: “Three Steps to Great Nutrition Content (and New Clients)” by Lindsey VanSchoyck.

Daily Directive

Identify three clients who have had success with your nutrition coaching.

Ask for permission to brag about them.

Take their pictures with a scale or whiteboard showing their progress.

Put them on stage. Tell their stories. What were their greatest fears? Their greatest obstacles? How did they overcome both? Where are they now?


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.